Release of the wireless magnetic Corne case by weissbieremulsion: Mcorne c5. Published November 16, 2022
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After teasing his magnetic case system, Runningtarrens aka weissbieremulsion published the files of the Mcorne-c5.
A few days ago I showed a short video of my case for the Corne keyboard. Lots of people asked me for the .stl files to print it. I said I will provide them, so here we are. All the necessary files are on there. Also a complete guide to print the case and all the needed parts for it are on there, too – weissbieremulsion.
This particular case is part of the magnetic case family consisting of five different models at the moment (two of them published thus far).
Its easy to lose track of all the different versions, so the author has set up an overview with a quick summary of the features of the different cases.