Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Community

Mike Sickler interview

Farmer turned NovelKeys CEO Mike Sickler interviewed by Taeha.
Published November 13, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Mike was the first ever sponsor of Taeha Types (even before Taeha Types went by Taeha Types), back before the channel even had a thousand subscribers. I'm incredibly proud to see how he has grown NovelKeys into what it is today, hopefully you all enjoy this interview I made of him – Teaha.

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Published on Sat 13th Nov 2021. Featured in KBD #52 (source).


/r/MechanicalKeyboards, a Year of Changes

Large communities are difficult to appease, and even more difficult to keep organized. This year, /r/MechanicalKeyboards has undergone many significant changes.

r/mk revamp

As you may have noticed, mods made some important changes to the r/mk subreddit, resulting in considerably less spam on the main thread.

7 Predictions in keyboards for 2024

Milktooth's Kevin compiled a list of seven key predictions for the mechanical keyboard market in 2024.

Gondolindrim interview

Revered Brazilian PCB designer Álvaro "Gondolindrim" Volpato interviewed by _IanOfEarth.

RominRonin and his symmetric layouts

In this interview I asked RominRonin about the katana layout, his Katana60 PCBs, the upcoming Tsuka60, and a lot more!

DIY XIAO Mechanical Keyboard Contest

Seeed Fusion launched a new keyboard contest with free prototyping and nice prizes. Check out the details.
