Moyai is a parametric playground by paul_gamedev for making MX-style keystems in Fusion360. Published August 3, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.
Moyai V3_R49 is the new release of paul_gamedev's project: Moyai switch stems!
Moyai is a parametric playground for making MX-style keystems in Fusion360. FDM printable stems are available in the legacy branch, with the main branch now containing the SLA version of Moyai, V3.
At the beginning of the year, I started to play around with printing MX-style stems on my Prusa MK3S, with some success, but sadly without any consistency in prints. This was achieved with the Kailh Pro Toolkit I made - now known as Moyai V1.
Moyai V3 is now published at the Moyai-KB repo on GitHub under the Creative Commons A-NC-SA.
I decided to post my project to Reddit just now, as I feel like it's finally polished enough for people to start experimenting with my design. I'd love to see people create variations of Moyai V3!