Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Mt. Choc

Sonal Pinto's low-profile 65% keyboard, Mt. Choc, features a cool digital pin badge.
Published March 19, 2023
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Sonal Pinto aka leafcutter64 shared his low-pro 65% keyboard design while referencing a post [thanks! :)] – the Mt. Choc sports a customizable digital pin badge.

Always chasing that endgame. Designed yet another board – Mt Choc –, a custom/open-source 65% low-profile choc board in anticipation of the upcoming MBK Legends Extended. The round display is like a pin badge for the keyboard for some personal flair. The glitch effect was inspired by this! – leafcutter64.


  • 65% layout, Choc-spacing (18x17mm)
  • low-profile Kailh Choc V1 (PG1350) switches
  • Waveshare RP2040 1.28" round LCD (with integrated RP2040 MCU), 240x240 pixels
  • "PCB-enclosed" design, bottom plate à la Horizon
  • CircuitPython, KMK firmware

Glitch effect

According to the author, the Waveshare RP2040 LCD is now supported by CircuitPython as of the 8.0.0 release. The Mt. Choc uses KMK for firmware (just like Sonal's Purple Owl), and he goes into details about controlling the display, as well as the procedural generation of the glitch animation (see this piece).


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Published on Sun 19th Mar 2023. Featured in KBD #117 (source).


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