Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Octoplus Trio

Keyboarddweeb's Alex Miller shared the source files of the Octoplus Trio, a 11-key one-handed keyboard.
Published February 16, 2024
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

As already reported earlier this year, Keyboarddweeb's Alex Miller (aka doesntfazer) is giving away one-handed keyboards to anyone with a disability who needs one. These are Octoplus Trios with the artsey/ardux layout, and the PCB is now open source.

I will be giving away Octoplus Trio’s to anyone who has lost the ability to use their right arm. It’s an 8 key artsyio layout with dedicated space bar, backspace and shift keys and a Cirque trackpad – Alex.

This is only for the left hand, but the plan is to make a right-handed version depending on interest. In fact, it looks like the right handed version is already done but isn't available in the repo yet.


  • 11 keys (4x2+3)
  • left (or right) handed
  • MX, hotswap
  • Cirque trackpad support

In addition, Alex launched a dedicated subreddit for accessible peripherals for disabled people, check out r/AccessiblePeripherals.

If you don't know me, you might not have known that my life-long dream was to be an engineer. A dear friend of mine's wife lost their leg in a motorcycle accident. After that, I pivoted that dream to being a robotic prosthetic engineer. I think a good step in that direction is to work on accessible computer peripherals – Alex.


According to Alex, the left handed versions should be shipping out mid-March, and he will be streaming his progress on every build on the keyboarddweebs YouTube channel.



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Published on Fri 16th Feb 2024. Featured in KBD #155.


CLP keycap profile

Victor published the CLP keycap profile, comprising a set of 19 nice sculpted keycap variants for MX switches.


Klavyl is a handwired split keyboard by u/thebgfan, generated by Klavgen, the author's other project.


Frederik's keyboard dubbed the Reviung_ish extends the distinctive Reviung layout with a number row.

Swept Corne

A wireless-only cross between the Sweep and the Corne: Swept Corne by u/Additional-Stock3711.


Sebastian Stumpf's Swepp is a splayed Sweep, a split keyboard with 34 keys.


JCam shared the wireless split 2Pocket, his submission for the pocket keyboard design contest.
