Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / History

Optical encoded keyboard

Some nice pics of the Viatron System 21 terminal and its unique keyboard by JereimiahPendergrass (more).
Published March 29, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Hey, it seems there' not much content here.

That's not surprising because was a mere link collection for about the first six months.

Another formatting of the old lead may reveal some links:

Some nice pics of the Viatron System 21 terminal and its unique keyboard by JereimiahPendergrass (more).

And here is the original source of this entry for further info.

Do you like this post? Share, donate, subscribe, tip me off!

Published on Mon 29th Mar 2021. Featured in KBD #19 (source).



IBM Displaywriter 6580 spotted by madribby78.

1989 Nixdorf Computers keyboard

1989 Nixdorf Computers keyboard with 30 F-keys. Renovated (lubed mx blacks, dampened, retrobrite) by bubr123.

Fujitsu leaf spring

Salvaged by u/NintendoDuck from a recycling center: a cool Fujitsu keyboard of unknown origin.

AlphaSmart Neo -- 3D keycaps anyone?!

The AlphaSmart Neo scissor-switch membrane keyboard seeks help from modern day keycap designer.

Focus FK-5001

Focus FK-5001 with built-in calculator and other curiosities acquired by DrHERO1.

Fluke 1720A keyboard

u/R009k saved a vintage Fluke 1720A Programmer Keyboard from getting thrown out.
