Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Osprey remix

Vladimir Glushkov released his remix of the Osprey – with a daughterboard instead of on-board MCU.
Published May 22, 2024
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This Osprey remix by Vladimir Glushkov aka kapee1 uses a SuperMini (or Nice!Nano) instead of the on-board nRF52840 chip of the original Osprey by ebastler. This allows you to build it much easier if you are not used to solder the MCU directly, however, the diodes stayed small (SOD-323).

Remix of the most beautiful ergonomic monosplit in my opinion […] I saw Osprey on kbdnews and really liked it, but I'm not that good at soldering bare chips. I didn't like the way the beekeeb remix was made, so I decided to make my own. It is very similar to the original project, but the super mini is used as the controller – Vladimir.

The author is referring to beekeeb's Zerosprey42 with the RP2040-Zero controller board, another remix of ebastler's original PCB and available as a soldered PCB too.


  • 42 keys, unibody split (6x3+3)
  • Choc, hotswap
  • SuperMini or Nice!Nano



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Published on Wed 22nd May 2024. Featured in KBD #166.



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