Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

PICO Chord keyboard

A well-documented chorded keyboard project based on the Raspberry Pi Pico: the PICO Chord.
Published April 17, 2022
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

I'm not sure about the designer of this keyboard. The author of this write-up, introducing the Pico Chord, is Ben Everard (and there is no reference or indication of other authors). However, the owner of the Git repo and the demonstration video is Rob Miles.

Whatever, here is the repo:

The keyboard is based on the Cykey chord design by Cy Enfield which was used as the basis of the Microwriter and Microwriter AgendA devices developed by him and Chris Rainey in the '80s.

Here is a quick demonstration:

As Tim Rowledge points out in the comments, there is a more promising case design here – another project inspired by the Microwriter.

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Published on Sun 17th Apr 2022. Featured in KBD #74 (source).


Another steno one

A custom keyboard for stenography by silly_world.


A steno keyboard, proto2, designed and shared by u/d3zd3z.


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Velotype Pro

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The Uni - an ortho steno board

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Stenotypy / Spellbook

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