Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Piantor keyboard

Beekeeb's Leo published the Piantor, an open-source split low-pro keyboard sporting Picos as controllers.
Published November 4, 2022
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Announced by Beekeeb's Leo, the Piantor is an RP2040-ized Cantor.

That said, the name Piantor (Pi-antor) is the portmanteau of "Pico" and "Cantor". As the name suggests, it has the same, relatively strong column stagger as the Cantor keyboard created by diepala and is powered by Raspberry Pi Pico or other compatible RP2040 boards (e.g. WeAct RP2040).


  • RP2040 MCU
  • Break-off pinky column: 42 or 36 keys
  • Hotswap
  • Cantor layout
  • Diodeless


The 42-key Piantor is compatible with the Cantor case designed by chewiedies.


The project is open source:

More photos:

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Published on Fri 4th Nov 2022. Featured in KBD #101 (source).



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