Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Pierce keyboard

Pierce by crahamson is a semi-wireless open source keyboard.
Published June 18, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

The keyboard is based on Corne, but the author wanted more aggressive pinky stagger and 1u keys only.

Initially designed to use a ribbon cable. I got a bit annoyed by the bulky cable so I got the idea to make wireless modules to plug into the IDC sockets.

The design also features a ThinkPad R61 trackpoint module.

GitHub repo:

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Published on Fri 18th Jun 2021. Featured in KBD #31 (source).


Testamatta #011

Nakamura Hideki announced the testamatta #011, a nice low-pro unibody angled split keyboard.

Nyx is now open hardware

The Nyx, a low-profile, split, wireless ergo by tadfisher is now open hardware (repo).

Dilemma v2

Dilemma v2 by Fmcraft is officially released: 3x5+3, trackpad, RGB, encoders, and more.


A 3D-printed handwired monoblock split by 70rch: torch0.


Chad Bailey's CB70 is a row-staggered, wireless 65%-ish split keyboard.


Two new CircuitPython boards by u/SouthPawEngineer, called the Caduceus.
