Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects


KeyboardDweebs' open-source Quetzal is not the usual 100% keyboard you'd expect.
Published January 11, 2023
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Quetzal by keyboarddweebs – continuing naming his boards after bird species – has a 100%ish layout, but with a monoblock angled body and the numpad on the left.

This is my first commission. I call it the Quetzal. it's open source! more details in the comments – keyboarddweebs.

The board uses a Pico Zero MCU and uses a Japanese duplex matrix to accommodate such a small controller. The firmware for now is PRK because of its built-in duplex matrix support.


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Published on Wed 11th Jan 2023. Featured in KBD #111 (source).



Zazu is a unibody split keyboard by AlSaMoMo with some extra features.


The PK-S by Protieusz is a modded ScottoFly with trackpad – inspired by Daraku-Neko's Ieneko42C.


The RART45 is a unibody angled split by Alabahuy with Atmel328p and exposed through-hole components.


A QAZ-like monoblock split: Clops by Calvin0563 – with on-board RP2040 and optional encoders.

Trackball Reviung41

Idank's low-pro Reviung41 with trackball is open-source and also available at Holykeebs.


The Hammerhead42 by Armin Anderson is a unibody split keyboard with a 40mm trackpad and a joystick.
