Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

RaspberryPERK cyberdeck

The RaspberryPERK (Pi Emergency and Recovery Kit) is a cyberdeck by Philipp1887.
Published May 8, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

I couldn't find too many projects to show you this week and went to r/Cyberdeck to broaden the scope. But even the project I found turned out to be a repost of a one year old entry from r/raspberry_pi. Nontheless, this project is well documented and comes with a lot of STL files:

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Published on Sat 8th May 2021. Featured in KBD #25 (source).


Chonky Palmtop

The Chonky Palmtop by Daniel Norris is a cyberdeck with an integrated Corne.


THEBRICK is a cyberdeck with Raspberry Pi 4, a 7.9" wide screen and a Planck.

2022 Cyberdeck Contest

Hackaday launched a Cyberdeck Contest with prizes offered by Digi-Key.

Armachat TOUCH

Not a classic keyboard, not a classic cyberdeck: Armachat TOUCH by bobricius.

Micro Journal

A series of writerdecks: Micro Journal for distraction-free writing – designed by Un Kyu Lee.


The mekko5X is an ortholinear cyberdeck by sporewoh.
