Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Inspiration

Recreating the 1x2 LEGO keyboard

Introducing the 1x2: bringing a 25 year old keyboard sin back from the grave and on to your desk! Committed by jonathansouter.
Published September 13, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

I don't usually feature meme projects but this one deserves some love, especially because of the background story and great documentation:

Github repo:

The one by two harkens to a simpler time, where Denmark's simple pad printing technology heavily limited the number of switches your yellow plastic hands could accommodate. Using the familiar QERY layout and a 3u spacebar for maximum compatibility, the 1x2 sits a full 35mm off your desk surface with 0° of tilt for optimal ergonomics – uuupah.
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Published on Mon 13th Sep 2021. Featured in KBD #43 (source).


Addams by KBDcraft

KBDcraft released Addams, a LEGO-compatible numpad as a versatile companion for the widely popular Adams kit.

LEGO keyboard stand (guide)

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LEGO supported PCB-mount board

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Lego typewriter

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KBDcraft Israfel review

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Collapsible Lego Technic lube station

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