MickiusMousius made the design of the Rolio available – a 46-key split with horizontal encoder.
KBD.news Published September 15, 2023
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The Rolio V0.1 by MickiusMousius is the pre-release version of this cool split with roller encoder, nice!view display, and aluminum case.
I've been using it for a few weeks myself and its quite nice to use, particularly with the aluminium chassis (the GitHub repo has FDM and CNC designs) – MickiusMousius.
46 keys (6x3+5)
low-profile Choc
wireless via nice!nano
nice!view Sharp LS011B7DH03 display
EVQWGD001 rotary encoder
Version 1.0 is already underway: "The current model is nice, but there are a lot of improvements in the pipeline particularly regarding aesthetics."