A concave Hall effect rubber dome keyboard by Beheddard.
KBD.news Published November 12, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.
In this first functional full build of a rubber Dometyl magnets are attached to the bottom of Niz stems, and brought down over omnipolar (non-linear) Hall effect sensors directly wired to a Teensy 2.0.
This arrangement was chosen for the first build as it does not require any custom scanning / matrix code in QMK. When I foray into my second build, I will probably put in the work to figure out the multiplexing and custom scanning required to use linear sensors with configurable thresholds – Beheddard.
Niz EC housings / stems
DES BKE domes. Tiffany on the pinkies, purple on the rest.