Dracula teeth mouseclicks, trackpoint as a first-class citizen, split (or unsplit), 40%, mouse scroll wheel, OLED, etc. by tyered.
KBD.news Published July 18, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.
After using the original Santoku for more than a year, tyered announced its newest revision. However, Gen 2 is a new design from the ground up keeping the original's spirit and goals intact.
Unfortunately, this design is not open source, but it comes with a detailed description of the concept and features, e.g.:
FFC (Flat Flexible Cable) connecting the halves.
Easily switch between split or unsplit depending on your situation.
Tightly integrated trackpoint with mouse buttons on both sides and a real usable mouse scroll wheel.
Very low profile. Portable. Easily fits in a work bag.