Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects


Joe Scotto's latest handwired project is a unibody split: ScottoErgo with aviator connector.
Published April 22, 2023
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Joe Scotto keeps diligently churning out his handwired designs, this time ScottoErgo, a 36-key column staggered monoblock split keyboard with exposed controller and aviator connector.

(If you need a quick recap of his earlier designs, Joe wrote an article for the MK Advent Calendar.)


  • 36 keys, 5x3+3 layout
  • 10° tilt
  • 20° angle
  • Raspberry Pi Pico controller
  • GX16-4 aviator connector


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Published on Sat 22nd Apr 2023. Featured in KBD #120 (source).


Open Pteron56 PCB/case design

A PCB/case design for the Pteron56 by AlexanderNotLuthor (repo).


A QAZ-like monoblock split: Clops by Calvin0563 – with on-board RP2040 and optional encoders.


Pteron56: Alexander's handwired build is based on FSund's design. Some new plates added to the project.

Masonry keyboard

The Masonry by dj_edit is another ergoish columnar keyboard projected on a rectangular keyboard shape.

Egboard v2

ArchUsr's handwired Egboard is a monoblock split keyboard powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico running Rust.


The Aether is a handwired keyboard by EvilTacoMan7533, based on the Atreus.
