Kea Workshop's Claude published his Seagull macropad - with MX/Choc support and exposed diodes. Published May 6, 2024
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After his Rhino Pad, Kea's Claude is back with another open-source device: the Seagull is a 4x4 macropad compatible with both MX and Chock hotswap sockets.
The Seagull Macropad is based off the Rhino Pad, that supports both MX and Choc switches – Claude.
16 (4x4) keys
MX or Choc, hotswap
Pro Micro footprint
exposed diode array
wireless support (pads for a battery and battery switch)
The IBM Lighted Program Function Keyboard (LPFK) was used as an extra input device when doing computer aided design on the IBM RS/6000 series of machines. Posted by epearl-tv.