Skywatch is a nice orthoish monoblock split by Özkan Çelik. Published September 14, 2023
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Özkan Çelik (aka ozkan/celikozkan) shared the source files of his Skywatch, a monoblock split with an orthoish arrangement and offset pinky column. Announced earlier in July, this 36% keyboard is powered by an on-board RP2040, and comes with OLED and hotswap support.
Designed to be manufactured and assembled by common PCBA services – Özkan.
36 keys (3x5+3)
hotswap or soldered MX switches
Raspberry Pi RP2040 MCU
USB-C mid-mount connector
10x addressable (WS2812) underglow RGB LEDs
128x64 OLED display
optional Pimoroni trackball
The circuitry of this keyboard is based on the 0xB2 - splinky board by plut0nium.