Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Test

Sound test compilation #18

This is a list of 14 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.
Published June 28, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

(Cover image by Donbros.)

You can find and compare these (and much more) typing tests in the Keyboard Sound Database.


    DevastatingTKL + Durock POM Linears GK64 + Gateron browns Bear65 + Holy Pandas TGR Jane V2 CE + Cherry MX Blacks Think 6.5v2 + Lavenders Trinity XT + Cherry Hyperglides GMMK Pro + Zealios GMMK Pro + Durock T1 Sunflower GMMK Pro + C3 Equalz TKC Kiwi DZ60 + Feker Holy Pandas IQUNIX A80 + Cherry Pink Rakk Lam Ang Pro + Gateron Black KBDFans KBD7v2 + KTT Strawberry Bakeneko60 + Alps SKCL Green



Thanks again to all the contributors, namely: Average Singaporean, Donbros, emndec, filled types, IronJac, JS, Kups Keys, PakWidodo Samsi, Stay_blasterK, Swiitchback and เฮียอยากมีลูกกับหมวย.

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Published on Mon 28th Jun 2021. Featured in KBD #32 (source).


Sound test compilation #13

This is a list of 11 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Some switch sounds

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Ergodox noise reduction tips

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Sound test compilation #17

This is a list of 15 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.

Sound test compilation #7

This is a list of 19 sound tests published this week in a single megapack.
