Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Sounds of an IBM 5251 Beamspring

This IBM 5251 Beamspring brings pleasure to your ears (by Icemanrec).
Published January 22, 2021
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Hey, it seems there' not much content here.

That's not surprising because was a mere link collection for about the first six months.

Another formatting of the old lead may reveal some links:

This IBM 5251 Beamspring brings pleasure to your ears (by Icemanrec).

And here is the original source of this entry for further info.

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Published on Fri 22nd Jan 2021. Featured in KBD #10 (source).


Bull Questar 200/210

Some nice boards found in an abandoned place in France. Shared by druka-grey.

IBM Model M15 Adjustable

IBM Model M15 Adjustable keyboard review by Chyrosran22.

Siemens T4000 (T4200)

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Hammond 2 typewriter

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Rockwell AIM-65 with a built-in keyboard and a 20-character display, released in 1978.

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