Stabilizer tester Stabilizer tester posted by RatratanX . Published July 18, 2021
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I mean…this hobby revolves around things that are useless but done for the sake of feel/aesthetics but I think this "stab tester" takes the crown as the most pointless creation yet – kikomir .
Since I've been using an all-1u setup for the past three years, I can't really judge if this tool is of any use.
Designed by LDN.
According to the description at Swagkeys, the concept behind the design was:
We found that installing the stabilizer directly to the PCB might be cumbersome. Therefore, we came with the idea that it might be useful to test the stabilizer on the “stabilizer tester” before the installation.
Published on Sun 18th Jul 2021. Featured in KBD #35 (source ).
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Ideas and tools by Battle(non)sense to test input lag. Posted by
_ChickenRun .
SyndromSnake released , a website to help people find vendors in their region (
source ,
keebtalk ).
Jazzkeys is a nice app playing piano sounds while you are typing – created by the Stockholm-based studio Plan8.
u/Hekekee designed a 3D-printable tool for
identifying Cherry keycaps' row .
About is a blog and newsletter on DIY mechanical keyboards. A hand-picked selection of posts from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective (more + contact ).
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