Don tries to standardize sound tests with his testing rig. Published December 6, 2021
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In a previous video, Don introduced a 3D printed testing rig to standardize switch sound tests.
The first video is about the actual setup:
And the next video presents the first result, this time the sound profiles of various MX blacks. So these graphs are not force curves but sound levels in relation to a frequency range:
If you want to replicate the sound of a vintage [Cherry] MX Black you could get the kind of sound by using a standard Gateron MX Black. […] If you want to replicate the sound of a lubed Gateron MX Black you could use a Kailh Box Black – Don.
Riskeyboard70 by riskable: - Fairly uncommon features like 3D printed 'parametric' Hall effect switches, magnetically stabilized stabilizers, LED output (!) - just to name a few. This showcase of ideas is from another planet.