Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Tips & Tricks

Tetrominoes in action

Tetromino PCBs used by whateverany.
Published June 12, 2021
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Tetrominoes are a set of five open source PCBs designed by They are not new (introduced in 2019), but I wasn't aware of them until whateverany posted a board featuring these little guys.

The PCB's can be arranged to fit just about any rectangular shape with a number of switches divisible by 4.

The designs are open source and the Gerber files are available at:

There are five designs. They use the same any direction switch pads that I used on the Polyandry. Individual PCB's can be placed in any orientation – di0ib

Here is a blog post on with more details.

Btw, a tetromino is a geometric shape composed of four squares, connected orthogonally (i.e. at the edges). They may be familiar from Tetris. More on tetrominoes in general:

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Published on Sat 12th Jun 2021. Featured in KBD #30 (source).



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