The Shoc A clean open-source low-profile keyboard: the Shoc by u/Skrrt5825 . Published August 23, 2022
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The Shoc by Jannik Becker aka JannikB5825 or Skrrt5825 is an open-source staggered keyboard. Yeah, it's orthoish on first sight, but the home row is offset by 0.5u. This arrangement results in a symmetric layout similar to my often referenced 1985 Reuters .
The board uses Kaihl Choc V1 switches. It's designed for MBK style keycaps and any other keycaps that have smaller or the same dimensions as MBK caps (17.5mmx16.5mm).
The Shoc comes with OLED 128x64 support and the default firmware comes with a Bongo cat WPM counter.
GitHub repo:
Published on Tue 23rd Aug 2022. Featured in KBD #92 (source ).
Related Taiwanese keycap manufacturer
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zzeneg .
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Takeshi Nishio .
Etienne Collin 's
Wave is a reversible split Ferris/Sweep derivative with Mini DIN 4 connectors.
About is a blog and newsletter on DIY mechanical keyboards. A hand-picked selection of posts from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective (more + contact ).
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