The Thock #12 with Erin
Host Vogon talks to Erin / FistfulOfPaintballs – enthusiast, moderator and one of the ladies in our community.
KBD.newsPublished April 26, 2021
Creators! Feel free to
tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.
Hey, it seems there' not much content here.
That's not surprising because was a mere link collection for about the first six months.
Another formatting of the old lead may reveal some links:
Host Vogsphere talks to Erin / FistfulOfPaintballs – enthusiast, moderator and one of the ladies in our community (listen).
And here is the original source of this entry for further info.
Published on Mon 26th Apr 2021. Featured in KBD #23 (source).
Kevin compiled a list of seven key
predictions for the mechanical keyboard market in 2024.
Keebsmas is an annual holiday charity event. Twitch streamers host giveaways, and raise donations. This year for DIY Girls.
The Keyboard Advent Calendar features blog posts by revered authors of the Japanese keyboard community. Curated by Yoichirou.
August part of this monthly overview of community favorite mechanical switches, based on real sales data provided by vendors and manufacturers.
ZSA is celebrating the shipping of
23,000 Moonlanders.
Pete Johanson's write-up for the
second birthday of the ZMK firmware.