Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects


The ToadsTempest by tikinson is a pocket monoblock, another runner-up in sporewoh's keyboard contest.
Published November 13, 2024
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Tikinson's ToadsTempest is probably my favorite entry to sporewoh's pocket keyboard design contest, and not just because crediting in the repo. ;) This small 42-keys ergo keyboard project is full of great ideas: featuring acrylic keycaps, reversible half-PCBs while being a unibody split, powered by a CH552T microcontroller, running FAK, etc.

I want to be savage, I like Jiraiya a lot, I want to participate in a challenge. This project is in intersection of those three ideas – tikinson.




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Published on Wed 13th Nov 2024. Featured in KBD #179.


A low profile portable BLE design

A new low profile portable BLE design by SouthPawEngineer with scroll wheel.


A monoblock split keyboard with orthoish halves: Buran by ScatteredDrifter.

Egboard v2

ArchUsr's handwired Egboard is a monoblock split keyboard powered by a Raspberry Pi Pico running Rust.


Skywatch is a nice orthoish monoblock split by Özkan Çelik.

Velotype Pro

Not the usual monoblock split: the Velotype Pro is actually a chorded keyboard.

Red Herring

The Red Herring by dj_edit is a split ergo 75% board similar to an Alice, but with columnar staggering.
