Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Projects

Trackball Reviung41

Idank's low-pro Reviung41 with trackball is open-source and also available at Holykeebs.
Published March 3, 2023
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.

Idank keeps equipping well-known and popular layouts with Pimoroni trackballs. After the trackball Corne here is the trackball Reviung41.

More trackball fun, this time a "split non-split". I've been faithful to my Cornes for years, but this is starting to grow on me, especially when traveling since it's so easy to carry – idankk.

The Reviung41 keyboard has a 41-key layout featuring 6x3 halves with 5 additional thumb keys. Idank's design is a low profile variation with a Pimoroni trackball.


  • 41x choc switches
  • integrated Pimoroni trackball
  • USB C Pro Micro

Original design by gtips, low profile variation by cyril279.


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Published on Fri 3rd Mar 2023. Featured in KBD #115 (source).



The open-source monoblock Crowboard by KeyboardDweebs has been around for half a year now. Better late than never.

Silli41 & Silli18

Squalius-cephalus shared the Reviung-derivative monoblock Silli41, along with its numpad companion.


Flying fox aka Pteropus – a unibody split keyboard open-sourced by hulapig.


Pteron56: Alexander's handwired build is based on FSund's design. Some new plates added to the project.


Protieusz's unibody Flower, a Noraneko42W variant, comes with Willow layout and interchangeable trackball.

Wireless Atreus Choc

An open-source Atreus choc board by LevitatingPineapple with Nice!Nano controller.
