Umo case
Umō by Ergorius is a top-mount 3D-printable case for the 40% Yasui PCB.
KBD.newsPublished May 30, 2022
Creators! Feel free to
tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 140K readers.
羽毛 (Umō) is a top-mount 3D-printable case designed by Erkki Halinen aka Ergorius for the 4x10 ortho Yasui PCB by Rainkeebs.
The name Umō comes from Japanese and means a "Quill" – A feather that is dipped in ink and used to write with – Ergorius
GitHub repo:
(Published a year ago, but just brought to my attention by Bennyyboiii's post here).
Published on Mon 30th May 2022. Featured in KBD #80 (source).
Sadek Baroudi's
Arachnophobe is a 30-key choc/mx monoblock split using any Seeed XIAO controller.
Brazen Studio's Ian published some photos of their experimental
gypsum/resin and cement/resin cases.
60% keyboard case by
WolfBlut you can print on a standard home printer (
FranDes made a handwired custom split: the wireless
A case with pen holder for the QAZ keyboard:
inQAZtro by
3D printable enclosure for the Adafruit Macropad PCB – designed by
Kronocide, inspired by the Nuphy Halo 96 keyboard.