VOID The VOID by Allen Choi is a 3x5 ergo split with some splay and displays.
KBD.news Published December 6, 2024
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Allen Choi aka Thunderbird2086 shared the VOID , a 36-key split with pinky splay and nice!view displays.
Want to share what I’ve been working on. It all started with 3D design, CAD (Cardboard Assisted Design 😉), and PCB design, and it has now become a full-fledged project. Currently, there are a few areas that need improvement and reconsideration though – thunderbird2086.
36 keys (5x3+3)
MX and Choc PCB variants
reversible PCB
Pro Micro footprint
per-key RGB
Published on Fri 6th Dec 2024. Featured in KBD #181 (source ).
Related CB34S is a 34-key columnar staggered Choc V1 monoblock split keyboard by
Bubbleology – with Nice!Nano and Nice!View.
The unibody
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Fmcraft is officially released: 3x5+3, trackpad, RGB, encoders, and more.
An angled monoblock Pico-based keyboard from m.ki. Optionally low-profile and open-source.
u/josandi used MrZealot's ergogen to design this beautiful
Birdie6 keyboard.
TSBYM is a custom ESP32 wireless split keyboard by
cgxeiji , now with trackpads.
About KBD.news is a blog and newsletter on DIY mechanical keyboards. A hand-picked selection of posts from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective (more + contact ).
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