Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Tips & Tricks

Vixen keycaps

3D printed sculpted and tented keycaps by ze_or.
Published February 27, 2024
Creators! Feel free to tip me off about your keyboard related projects to bring them to 100K readers.

Fellow redditor ze_or created and shared a sculpted and tented keycap set for a Vixen.

Always had the idea but never seen anyone do it. So I took it to my own hands – ze_or.

According to the author, wobble of the taller keys is not a problem. In comparison, SA is a bit over 16.5 mm at the tallest point, and the tallest keycap here is a bit over 20 mm at its peak.


  • sculpted on both axis
  • spherical
  • 3D printed


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Published on Tue 27th Feb 2024. Featured in KBD #157 (source).


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