I wasn't entirely sure about the naming of this board, at least the github folder: 104key. As it turned out, the official name is Yurigs80 – designer Patrick Ryan (aka zuesmajor/pipemybiits) named it after his dog Yuri (and GS stands for German shepherd).
It's a 84-key keyboard on the more classic side of the layout spectrum – without numpad but with an extra column on the right.
Designed and built a second keyboard for fun. Usually build 36 keys but wanted to build a traditional one. Designed the pcb for a pi pico with an encoder – Patrick.
I originally wanted to make a 104 key but then switched to a 80 then gone too far ahead and realized it’s a pain to rename projects in kicad so I just left it. I guess newb mistakes when you’re new 😆 – Patrick.