Keyboard Builders' Digest
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KBD.NEWS Advent Calendar 2024

The KBD.NEWS Advent Calendar is a series of longer format articles by revered members of the keyboard community, inspired by the original calendars that have been a tradition in the Japanese DIY keyboard community.

Some background on the format in this introduction, but honestly, the 2024 one is going to be rather weird. I have just a handful of write-ups.

Feel free to join and contact me if you'd like to contribute an article. Here are the guidelines for authors. Just ignore the deadline. ;)


00.On the Japanese MK calendars
01.David Gregory
Connected: A tale of obsession over cables
02.Jack Kester
Closing down Pikatea - A Farewell
Rain2's year of keyboard design
04.Peter Paul
A (r)evolutionary approach to improve on the standard keyboard layout