Editorial Newsletter subscriptions and postcards, new donor, trivia of the week, bidding for a HP 9810A.
Newsletter issue, new discount code, matrix research, covid, listing of the week.
Duplex matrix feedback, round-robin matrix research. New donors, April stats, upcoming KBD.NEWS scholarship(?).
Domain renewal, new promo codes and the dangerous ground of sponsorship offers, new supporters and vendors. Newsletter test and performance, status of developments & acquisitions.
On longer format articles, 40 discount codes, keyboard lexicon update, duplex matrix cultural dissonance, Datalux acquisition, etc.
A special anniversary, new vendors, new discount code, some developments, etc.
April 1st keyboard projects, new wave of supporters, a new acquisition from the besieged Kyiv, March stats, etc.
2,000 newsletter subscribers, purging inactive users, consider contributing to the new costs, etc.
Orion terminal eviscerated, new supporter, new shops added to the vendor database.
National holiday, new donor, new regular supporter, new shop, new acquisitions.
Refugee crisis, visit at the border, donation options, February stats, new acquisitions, one more extreme keyboard connector.
Keyboards in shelled homes, refugee crisis and some of your options to help.
Quick news, debate on the feasibility of GMK lead times, new vendors added, winning without even bidding.
40s Day, quick news, on cleaning up the subscriber database, lot of new vendors added.
Quick news, donation/sponsorship controversy, the giveaway strikes back, January stats, vendor database update, developments.
Issue #62 follow-up, developments, vendor & split database updates, 1977 Roland sequencer, etc.
Issue #61 follow-up, vendor database updates, MoErgo, Videoton terminal progress, etc.
Lots of small developments, new vendors, new discount codes, Videoton terminal, etc.
Quick news, KBD Time Machine, Benjamin Renner and his keyboard designs, typing with your thoughts, December stats updated, etc.
Away from civilization, Talpkeyboard surprise, spring-loaded pin headers, all-in-one keycap kit annoyance, quick stats, etc.
Quick news, TheBoard December competition, a telnet based literary magazine, etc.
A plethora of new splits, I've lost 65% of my donors, list vendors by country, upcoming newsletter cleanup, etc.
Stats updated, leaving BMC and new support options, mailbox report, Reddit recap.
Testing the Adafruit KB2040, CircuitPython and KMK. New guides. I won again. Giveaway & Issue #54 follow-up. BMC chaos.
Major split database update on the way, developments, giveaway follow-up, on the UNO Mini & Adafruit KB2040 controllers, Issue #53 follow-up, Movember.
About KBD.news is a blog and newsletter on DIY mechanical keyboards. A hand-picked selection of posts from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective (more + contact ).
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Supporters Ashkeebs , splitkb.com , MoErgo Glove80 , ZSA Technology Labs , Aiksplace , @keebio , Upgrade Keyboards , Cyboard , Jason Hazel , Jacob Mikesell , Sean Grady , kiyejoco , KEEBD , @kaleid1990 , littlemer-the-second , Ergohaven , ghsear.ch , u/motfalcon , Bob Cotton , FFKeebs , Timo , @therick0996 , Joel Simpson , Christian Mladenov , Schnoor Typography , TALPKEYBOARD , Daniel Nikolov , u/eighty58five , Skyler Thuss , Caleb Rand , Brendan P. , James McCleese , Benjamin Bell , Yuan Liu , Ben M , zzeneg , Spencer Dabell , Anatolii Smolianinov , Penk Chen , Matthias Goffette , Clacky , Stefan S. , Hating TheFruit , Alex Miller , Trey Causey , Davidjohn Gerena , Mario S. , Dylan Ingham , Gordon Diggs , Cloyce , Shnobble , Raphael Stanzani , Keebhut , Duncan B. , HubertTheMad , s_p_l_o_d_e , Jesse L. , Cromulus, Kevin B.
Keyboard Layout Editor , Plate Builder / Plate Generator , QMK / kbfirmware.com (to QMK ), Pro Micro pinout & upgrade
r/mk , ErgoMech , r/mechmarket , geekhack.org , deskthority.net , keebtalk.com/ , lemmy/mk/ , lemmy/ergomech/ , kbin/mk/
PCB design guide , another one , PCB price comparison , lasergist , laserboost , hubs.com