Issue 100 / Week 42 / 2022

This is a hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.
There are 13 entries in this issue:
Behind the Scenes of Issue 100
Quick news, 100 issues, new vendors and discounts, new meetups, new donors.
PSA: Issue #100 postponed
I contracted covid and have to take a break. Issue #100 postponed to next week.
Klein keyboard
A feature-rich split design by noSNK supporting Pro Micro and XIAO footprints: Klein.
Kastenwagen 1840
Alex Ronke's Kastenwagen 1840 & Kastenwagen 48 are now open source.
Hotreus62 was shared by leo_beekeeb – a 60% hotswappable keyboard that supports both low-profile Choc and MX switches.
The open-source Atreus52 by u/hainguyenac comes with a little twist.
A 3D-printed, handwired keyboard by u/aionskull: the primpkeeb.
Rock On v3
Rock On v3 by Sadek Baroudi. With case STLs.
RominRonin and his symmetric layouts
In this interview I asked RominRonin about the katana layout, his Katana60 PCBs, the upcoming Tsuka60, and a lot more!
RP2040 Bento
The RP2040 Bento, a relatively low profile breakout board without a USB connector, has been open-sourced by hainguyenac.
Frood RP2040
Frood RP2040 is an open-source controller by 42keebs. A Pro Micro compatible breakout board with an RP2040.
Tips & Tricks
65% silicone dampener mold
A 3D printable mold by dezcompiler for making silicone PCB dampeners for 65% keyboards.
Keyboard Spotting
Didaktik Gama
A Czechoslovakian Didaktik Gama spotted by u/themiracy., MoErgo Glove80, PCBWay, Aiksplace, u/chad3814, @keebio, @kaleid1990, MKUltra, Sean Grady, Cyboard,, u/motfalcon, cdc, Bob Cotton, kiyejoco, KEEBD, FFKeebs, @therick0996, Richard Sutherland, Jacob Mikesell, Joel Simpson, Lev Popov, Christian Mladenov, littlemer-the-second, Spencer Blackwood, Christian Lo, Yuan Liu, Upgrade Keyboards, Paul Kischlat, Daniel Nikolov, Davidjohn Gerena, Skyler Thuss, u/eighty58five, Fabian Suceveanu, Capsule Delux, Arto Olli, anonymous
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