Issue 129 / Week 30 / 2023

This is a hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.
There are 6+10 entries in this issue:
- Quick news, meetups, shops & discounts, whatever. I'm on holiday btw.
- Giraffasax made an unsplit and splayed Lily58: the SpUnLy58. The files are available on github. (source)
- Beekeeb is introducing FelixKeeb, an optionally wireless 60% hotswappable ortholinear split keyboard. (source)
- Zzeneg shared the MX version of his classy split Stront, with a modular case supporting various displays and pointing devices. (source)
- The Scotto34 (PCB Edition) is a low-profile 34-key split monoblock ortholinear keyboard by Joe Scotto. Choc spacing, hotswap, exposed controller.
- The PK-S by Protieusz is a modded ScottoFly with trackpad – inspired by Daraku-Neko's Ieneko42C.
- Planeta is a new monoblock split by Ergohaven. 3D printed case with universal tenting, plus built-in piezo speaker. Video demo this way. On its way, I'm eager to lay my hands on it and write a thorough review.
- The GMK twisted stem issue has been confirmed by the manufacturer.
- Taro Hayashi's authoritative Killer Whale is making its rounds in the Japanese community. Daihuku has a video about it, and there are many builds out there already. An interview is in the making.
- Will r/ergomk be back soon? It seems likely.
- Your keyboard can run Doom now. Graham Sanderson's code adapted by Brostafarian.
- I'm not into artisans myself but have always loved classy wood & resin stuff: Keycap cases by Breakwooden.
- A gorgeous tented Corne case kit in various colors by Kriscables. So clean!
- Spotting: a 1975 IBM 5100 Portable posted by FidoMix_Felicia. That extremely tactile red switch lived on in many later models, I put one aside for future projects in my box of electronic junk.
- IBM keyboard identification chart by Admiral Shark. Actually, this is really great. I managed to identify my single IBM keyboard at the very first glance, even on the small chart posted on Twitter. And here is the fullscreen version for desktop.
- A pretty unique wooden cyberdeck by Yungblude.
This issue was made possible by the donations of:, MoErgo Glove80, u/chad3814, MKUltra, Aiksplace, @keebio, Upgrade Keyboards, @kaleid1990, Sean Grady, Cyboard, Jacob Mikesell, KEEBD, cdc, Jason Hazel,, u/motfalcon, littlemer-the-second, Bob Cotton, kiyejoco, Christian Lo, DROP, FFKeebs, @therick0996, Richard Sutherland, Joel Simpson, Lev Popov, Christian Mladenov, Daniel Nikolov, Spencer Blackwood, Skyler Thuss, u/eighty58five, Yuan Liu, Caleb Rand, Schnoor Typography, Mats Faugli,James McCleese, Davidjohn Gerena, Ergohaven, Benjamin Bell, Matthias Goffette, Hating TheFruit, Fabian Suceveanu, anonymous, Spencer Dabell, Patchesweaver, macakeg, MoErgo Glove80, u/chad3814, MKUltra, Aiksplace, @keebio, Upgrade Keyboards, @kaleid1990, Sean Grady, Cyboard, Jacob Mikesell, KEEBD, cdc, Jason Hazel,, u/motfalcon, littlemer-the-second, Bob Cotton, kiyejoco, Christian Lo, DROP, FFKeebs, @therick0996, Richard Sutherland, Joel Simpson, Lev Popov, Christian Mladenov, Daniel Nikolov, Spencer Blackwood, Skyler Thuss, u/eighty58five, Yuan Liu, Caleb Rand, Schnoor Typography, Mats Faugli,James McCleese, Davidjohn Gerena, Ergohaven, Benjamin Bell, Matthias Goffette, Hating TheFruit, Fabian Suceveanu, anonymous, Spencer Dabell, Patchesweaver, macakeg
Your support is crucial to help this project survive.