Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Issue 149 / Week 1 / 2024

This is a hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.

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There are 9+9 entries in this issue:


Behind the scenes #149

Keyboard projects, quick news, in the mailbox, meetups, new vendors and discount codes!



The articulation70 is a successor to Myles Lee's articulation80 keyboard – with LEDs and a more personalized layout.


Richard Goulter's CH552-36 is a 36-key split with exposed SMT components and CH552 MCU.

Chaz v0.3

Jason Hazel shared the latest iteration of his Chaz, with Choc-spaced QAZ layout – and on-board STM32F702 controller.


Markus Knutsson announced his Chameleon, a versatile ortholinear keyboard with both Preonic and Planck layouts.


The Pyramidka is a 3d printed, handwired, 40% keyboard shared by aroum.


Joe Scotto's ScottoKatana is a 33-key handwired keyboard with symmetric stagger.


Sporewoh's modkipz40 is a monoblock split pocket keyboard using mouse switches.


Samuel Stephenson shared the files of Quill, a nice hotswap macropad with encoders.

Quick news

The Planeta v1 is now fully open source (PCB). And the Velvet v2 and Planeta v2 are available at

Tools & Tips: Adamwscki updated his kbplacer KiCad plugin with a bunch of new features. Alex shared a clean and simple KiCad starter tutorial. NumLockSmith published an online heatmap tool: (info).

The humbly named Cool Typing Game by GG00325 drives me crazy but may work for you. Just slightly obtrusive.

Handwiring: Sam Doddington shared the STLs of his Tana58! Ryan O'loughlan aka Tandoura made Move-Mech-Util, a handwired gamepad (case STLs and instructables). Andrea Varotto (itsvar8) made great progress with his monoblock with a numpad.

WIP: BFB_Workshop is working on something interesting – Compaq'ed is an ortho PCB for the Cherry G80-11800.

Switch: Gateron Melodic switch – a new click mechanism?

I'm slightly late with this, but Jerre remixed Pavlo's sphere keyboard into a Christmas ornament.

Weekly meh: Microsoft is adding a dedicated Copilot key to keyboards.

This issue was made possible by the donations of:, MoErgo Glove80, ZSA Technology Labs, u/chad3814, Aiksplace, @keebio, Upgrade Keyboards, Cyboard, Ashkeebs, Sean Grady, Jacob Mikesell, @kaleid1990, Jason Hazel, KEEBD, kiyejoco, littlemer-the-second,, Christian Lo, u/motfalcon, Bob Cotton, FFKeebs, Richard Sutherland, @therick0996, Joel Simpson, Lev Popov, Christian Mladenov, Daniel Nikolov, u/eighty58five, Mechboards, Schnoor Typography, TurtleKeebs, Caleb Rand, Skyler Thuss, Yuan Liu, James McCleese, Benjamin Bell, Ben M, Matthias Goffette, zzeneg, Spencer Dabell, Anatolii Smolianinov, anonymous, Miranda F., anonymous, Hating TheFruit, Davidjohn Gerena, Penk Chen, anonymous, Vitali Haravy, Clacky, Gavin Folgert, Carl Westman, Shnobble, István K.

Your support is crucial to help this project survive.
