Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Issue 55 / Week 48 / 2021

This is a hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard builder's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.

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There are 14 entries in this issue:


  • Testing the Adafruit KB2040, CircuitPython and KMK. New guides. I won again. Giveaway & Issue #54 follow-up. BMC chaos. (source)
  • The PicoSplit is a 3D printed, handwired split keyboard by Andreas Känner featuring a custom firmware written in CircuitPython. (source)
  • Ladispad is an open-source 11 key macropad by ajmandourah with rotary encoders and an OLED screen. (source)
  • A great photolog by SandwichRising on making a custom PCB and wooden case. (source)
  • A cool keyboard salvaged from a nuclear missile silo converted by Pointless Tinkering. (source)
  • Pangaea, a split keyboard with mind-boggling adjustability, has advanced to rev.3. Co-designed by @otahinosame, @k2 and @e3w2q. (source)
  • Jim Merricks White published a new member of his 30% bugs family: the Flea. (source)
CommunityToolsTips & TricksKeyboard Spotting
This issue was made possible by the donations of:, Jeremy Kitchen, AikenJG, @keebio, Timo,, @kaleid1990, u/chad3814, Eugenie, sebastian siggerud, cdc, Jim,, kiyejoco, faso, _qdw_, Bob Cotton, Aleks, Mark, Brickbots & an anonymous donor.

Your support is crucial to help this project survive.

Discussion over at r/mk!