Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Issue 71 / Week 13 / 2022

This is a hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.

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There are 14 entries in this issue:


  • Behind the Scenes: 2,000 newsletter subscribers, purging inactive users, consider contributing to the new costs, etc.
  • Hanachi's Ergotonic F-24 comes with a unique adjustable centerpiece making this keyboard split or monoblock on demand. (source)
  • Lyso1's LCK75 PCB updated, tweaked and republished by u/short_lurker. (source)
  • u/MomonaBoy's Preonic + Plank combo became his ultimate gaming keyboard. (source)
  • The Gherkin++ is u/bgkendall's approach to augment the classic 3x10 layout. (source)
  • Christian Lo's banime40 is a versatile ortho PCB with 24 possible layouts. (source)
CommunityTips & TricksKeyboard SpottingInspiration
This issue was made possible by the donations of:, MoErgo Glove80, u/chad3814, Aiksplace, @keebio, @kaleid1990,, cdc, Bob Cotton, kiyejoco, Timo, Sean Grady, FFKeebs, @therick0996, Joel Simpson, Nuno Leitano, Spencer Blackwood, KEEBD, Shane Celis, Davidjohn Gerena, Yuan Liu

Your support is crucial to help this project survive.

Discussion over at r/mk!