Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Issue 85 / Week 27 / 2022

This is a hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.

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There are 9 entries in this issue:


  • Cherokee MBK Myth and MelGeek Mojo 84 in the mailbox, 50+ discounts with dedicated page, meetup database, still in holiday mode.
  • The Ghoul by u/tzarc is a Planck-like ortho but also a development board for QMK. (source)
  • The SatPad (formerly: Cupcake) is an open-source 30% ortholinear keyboard/macropad designed by u/quirk. (source)
  • Weteor's 34-key Tipper-TF is a split unibody BLE keyboard with splay and e-ink display. (source)
  • u/SimonAchton designed, printed and shared a beautiful Apple M0110 case replica for 60% keyboard PCBs. (source)
CommunityTips & TricksKeyboard Spotting
  • A Tesla Consul 259.6 keyboard from a Soviet mainframe computer terminal – restored and posted by u/chernobyl_dude. (source)
This issue was made possible by the donations of:
PCBWay,, MoErgo Glove80, u/chad3814, Aiksplace, @keebio, @kaleid1990, u/motfalcon,, Sean Grady, cdc, Bob Cotton, kiyejoco, FFKeebs, Richard Sutherland, @therick0996, KEEBD, Joel Simpson, Nuno Leitano, Lev Popov, Spencer Blackwood, Christian Mladenov, Yuan Liu, Davidjohn Gerena, Alexey Alekhin, Fabian Suceveanu

Your support is crucial to help this project survive.

Discussion over at r/mk!