Issue 9 / Week 2 / 2021

Another Monday, another hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard builder's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.
Kailh Polia tactile switch review
The Kailh Polia tactile switch falls short of clacklabs's expectations (video).
Novelias review
In-depth Novelias switch review and historic overview as you can expect from ThereminGoat.
Oddball: a split with trackball
Oddball is a split keyboard by tullonator featuring a trackball. Exhaustive documentation and source files.
Hexagonal split ergo keyboard
This hexagonal split ergo by HellIsBurnin comes with in-depth documentation and a teaser.
Handwired 60% with custom firmware
A handwired 60% by The-Tower-Of-Owls with build log and custom firmware.
Geac library terminal conversion
Converting and retrobrighting a Geac library terminal by jsheradin with photolog.
MBK Legend
MBK Legend brought to you by _tectonicplate and fk-caps. (You won't see many GBs here, but low profile caps in short supply deserve some promotion.)
Tips & Tricks
Hall effect sound test
A sound test of riskable's Hall effect keyboard introduced in KBD Issue 5.
Ergodox noise reduction tips
Noise reduction tips from toumorokoshi with actual measurements (source).
Air Force One comms station
The comms station from a previous Air Force One used by Eisenhower to Nixon (shot by MuddyFire).
History of symbols - a lauchpad
A launchpad by breck to the history of different symbols used on a keyboard (source).
GIGA40: with cartridge system
The GIGA40 is a strange concept of mujimanic with features like replaceable cartridge and serial connector (more pics).
That was Issue #9. Thanks for stopping by.