Keyboard Builders' Digest
Enthusiast level keyboards from Deskhero (CA)!

自キボドゲ会 2023夏

2023 September 9, 13:00-19:00 (Saturday)

Tokyo, Japan

This is a gathering for people who are interested in homemade keyboards to come together and have fun playing board games.

自キボドゲ会 2023夏
自キボドゲ会 2023夏

Data sheet

Event:自キボドゲ会 2023夏
Date:2023 September 9, 13:00-19:00
Location:Tokyo, Japan
Venue:Yusha Kobo, Union Building 1F, 3-6-10 Ueno, Taito-ku, Tokyo
Organizer:yynmt, riv_mk

自キボドゲ会 2023夏 on the map

Attention! The event data of 自キボドゲ会 2023夏 was first included on 2023-09-08 13:26:00. While I try to keep this database as valid and up-to-date as possible, I can't guarantee that everything is or stays correct here. If you spot an error or are the organizer of 自キボドゲ会 2023夏 feel free to contact me.

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