Berlin Mechanical Keyboards & Input Devices Meetup
2022 November 28, 19:00-22:00 (Monday)
Berlin, Germany
Its time to come together again and share the experience and joy of keyboards again! We already had much joy with the first meetup after the long break. To get back to a monthly meetup schedule we invite you all to the second meetup this year.
Data sheet
Berlin Mechanical Keyboards & Input Devices Meetup
Berlin Mechanical Keyboards & Input Devices Meetup on the map
Attention! The event data of Berlin Mechanical Keyboards & Input Devices Meetup was first included on 2022-11-14 09:48:12. While I try to keep this database as valid and up-to-date as possible, I can't guarantee that everything is or stays correct here. If you spot an error or are the organizer of Berlin Mechanical Keyboards & Input Devices Meetup feel free to contact me.