Pasadena Convention Center, 300 East Green Street Pasadena, CA 91101 United States
paid event but the fee is unknown
KeebLife is coming back for its second annual charity meetup. Join us in Pasadena, CA on September 2, 2023 for keyboards, giveaways, and your fellow KeebLife community members! All proceeds will be donated to APLA Health!
Attention! The event data of Keeb Life 2023 was first included on 2023-05-06 15:51:18 and the date of its last update is 2023-06-12 13:58:34. While I try to keep this database as valid and up-to-date as possible, I can't guarantee that everything is or stays correct here. If you spot an error or are the organizer of Keeb Life 2023 feel free to contact me.