Tiny Little Tech Shop 1648 San Marco Blvd (on the curve) Jacksonville, FL 32207
Over 2 full years of regular in-person monthly meet-ups, now including a LIVE STREAM feed posted on our Facebook page. If you're near Jax, tell a friend or two and come hangout!
SPREAD THE WORD everyone is invited, free event
Bring your keeb(s) and a good attitude. Drop-in style, come for little or stay and hangout the whole time.
Parking at our new location is kind of tricky (not that the old shop was much better). There is some street parking around, and we are able to use the parking lot at the 2-story business building behind Pizza Hut. There may also be a few spots available at the two businesses across the street. You can park just about anywhere near the shop… But NOT in front of the smoke shop next door. Hope to see everyone today at the new spot!
Tiny Little Tech Shop Meetup on the map
Attention! The event data of Tiny Little Tech Shop Meetup was first included on 2024-02-17 13:11:50. While I try to keep this database as valid and up-to-date as possible, I can't guarantee that everything is or stays correct here. If you spot an error or are the organizer of Tiny Little Tech Shop Meetup feel free to contact me.