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Kool Keys Cables

Blackpool, UK

We specialize in color matching cables using custom Cerakote, but offer a wide range of premium quality, high end cables for most styles and tastes. We offer cables to meet most needs, and most connector types.

Kool Keys Cables coupon code:
KBDNEWS (A one time introduction code for KBDNEWS readers offering 10% discount.)

Data sheet

Type:storefront, manufacturer
Shop name:Kool Keys Cables
Shop URL:
Product range:cable
Promo code:KBDNEWS (A one time introduction code for KBDNEWS readers offering 10% discount.)
Founded:October 2, 2023
Base of operation:Blackpool, UK (region: UK)
Ships to:global
Postal address:-
Shop runner:David Gregory (u/kool-keys)
Shop runner's intro:

Hi. We're David and Charmain, and we are custom keyboard enthusiasts based in the UK. We formed Kool Keys when we realised there were very few custom keyboard cable manufacturers in the UK who could colour match Cerakoted cables to match custom keycap sets. As we couldn't buy them, we started making our own. Now that we have a well matured process for making any cable, in any colour, we offer the service to other custom keyboard enthusiasts.

Team:(David and Charmain)

Kool Keys Cables on the map (full map)

Check the full keyboard store map for all the shop locations.

Attention! The vendor data of Kool Keys Cables was first included on 2024-04-04 14:46:06. While I try to keep this database as valid and up-to-date as possible, I can't guarantee that everything is or stays correct here. If you spot an error or are the representative of Kool Keys Cables feel free to contact me.

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