Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Keyboard Builders' Digest / Column / Advent Calendar

Advent Calendar

Why on earth should a keyboard do that?

Nick Brassel (@tzarc), one of QMK’s Directors, wasn’t satisfied with keyboards only having switches and an indicator LED or three.

Logical Keyboard Layout Design

Apsu shares her experience going from curious about alternate keyboard layouts to accidentally being a prolific layout designer.

One year of

Tamas Dovenyi, the guy behind, sums up one year of the blog touching on a wide range of topics from visitor stats to new features.

Declarative keyboard design with Ergogen v4.0

Dénes Bán, the guy who originally created the Absolem keyboard, talks about how it turned into a more all-purpose ergo keyboard generator, and what new features it sports with the fresh release of v4.0.

The three angles of ergonomics

Where do you start when you want to design keyboards with more ergonomics? A bit of basic keyboard science by nerdbude of the CCH podcast.

/r/MechanicalKeyboards, a Year of Changes

Large communities are difficult to appease, and even more difficult to keep organized. This year, /r/MechanicalKeyboards has undergone many significant changes.

Keycaps, design and free kittens

Simon, co-founder of FK, looks back on 2022 where new projects were born, and into 2023 where more are coming. He is on a journey to make custom keycaps, new profiles and designer collaborations.

Ripping the wires out of relics

Krikun98 designs 44-key wireless splits with weird switches collectors would either tear him apart for or would be very intrigued by.

GHOST - message from GEIST

Let's take a sneak peek into the keyboard journey and workflow of GEIST, this year's winner of the Seeed keyboard competition.

2022 Roundup: the year of EC

Cipulot sums up his journey in the field of designing electrostatic capacitive PCBs.

Glove80: Rethinking split contoured ergonomic keyboard

Co-designer Stephen Cheng reviews the main design and ergonomics decisions of the eight year journey to bring Glove80 split contoured ergonomic keyboard to mass manufacturing.

PRK Firmware's 2022

Developer hasumikin introduces the PRK firmware and sums up this year's achievements.

Keyboard Case Design

Sadek Baroudi provides a detailed walkthrough of how he designs 3D models – Starting with a PCB, and ending with a model that you can export for 3D printing.

DIY keyboards I built in 2022

While focusing on the charm of the 21 DIY keyboards he built in 2022, Daihuku will also introduce two keyboard meetups held in Japan.

Admiral’s Shark-tastic IBM updates of 2022!

Kali aka Sharktastica, expert and enjoyer of vintage IBM keyboards, looks back at some of the accomplishments and events of the last year.

On collecting and modern keyboard innovation

Thomas, the guy behind the Chyrosran22 YouTube channel, sums up how keyboards changed during the last fifty years and takes a look at the explosion of innovations that have happened in the field over the last few years.

Designing for Wireless

Pete Johanson, keyboard designer and creator/project lead of the ZMK firmware, offers some guidance for keyboard designers new to wireless designs.

Designing Keycaps for Fun and Profit

A quick overview of Matt3o’s 10-years experience in the mechanical keyboard industry before delving into future projects including a collaboration with GMK.

The Data Driven Future of Switches

The always verbose and never short on switches ThereminGoat gives his take on the data he has collected with switches in the previous year as well as what the future may hold for such.

Year of the Ortho: sporewoh's 2022

Christian Lo (a.k.a. sporewoh), a rabid ortholinear fan, outlines his experimental projects and provides a behind the scenes look of his highlights of the year.

Squeezebox Scorecard

Peter Lyons reviews results of over a dozen experimental DIY keyboard feature prototypes he has built within the Squeezebox R&D and how each fared in hindsight.

The Handwiring Guy

Joe Scotto, the self-proclaimed “Handwiring Guy” sums up his last few months designing and building handwired keyboards.

Falling Down The Rabbit Hole

Ben Vallack shares his free-fall into the custom keyboard rabbit hole where things keep getting weirder and weirder.
