Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Issue 42 / Week 35 / 2021

This is a hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard builder's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.

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There are 13 entries in this issue:


Behind the Scenes of Issue 42

Scam attempt, giveaway winning streak – I must be in possession of the secret method, sustainable keyboard hobby, new tool in the making. Issue 41 follow-up and brutal monthly visitor record.


TTC Wild switch review

TTC Wild linear switches reviewed by ThereminGoat.



Source files of Tweetydabirdie's DaNumPad are available on GitHub.

Wireless solar board

A wireless keyboard that never has to be plugged in. Committed by SouthPawEngineer.

The Osprey keyboard

The Osprey is xapheau's open-source unibody ergonomic column-staggered keyboard.

Magnetic layout prototyping

Going low profile: adjustable keyboard with magnets by key-yack.

Custom Iris case

A custom open-source Iris case by COrthbandt with light diffuser layer.


Parametric keycap design

Showcasing the Riskeyboard 70's features, riskable introduces the GEM profile created with his Keycap Playground tool.

Tips & Tricks

Recycled aluminium keycaps

A video by flehrad drew my attention to Mountain Keyboards and their recycled aluminium keycaps, environmentally friendly packaging and socially responsible actions.

Logical layout design: repeater key

The T-34/0 keyboard layout by jonas_h features a repeater key.


The effect of WD-40 on switches

This follow-up shot by gidders369 demonstrates the effect of WD-40 on some switches treated 1 year ago.

Keyboard Spotting

Electronic Control Systems display terminal T-03

A cool retro terminal spotted by TyrantFoxx in a Hugh Jeffreys video.

Dell AT101W NOS

TerraElaya found this gorgeous Dell AT101W at a thrift store for $3.

This issue was made possible by the donations of:, Jeremy Kitchen, AikenJG, @keebio, @kaleid1990, u/chad3814, Eugenie, sebastian siggerud, ajoflo, siriximi, cdc

Your support is crucial to help this project survive.

Discussion over at r/mk!