Issue 65 / Week 7 / 2022
This is a hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.
There are 12 entries in this issue:
Behind the Scenes of Issue 65
40s Day, quick news, on cleaning up the subscriber database, lot of new vendors added.
An SLA 3D printed 36-key board
This nice 3D-printed 36-key keyboard was u/BeniBice's weekend project – resin printed and welded.
Xenon keyboard
Published back in 2019, narinari's Xenon is an open-source 54-key split. Built by chewiedies.
Based on Pseudoku's Hypo Warp, D-Warp is a 3D-printed split by u/Darrenph1 with a quite rare thumb key arrangement.
Tips & Tricks
Death to all Triumph Adlers?
Another build with caps scavenged from a Triumph Adler Gabriele 9009, this time by u/orpheo_1452.
MX compatible maglev switch
3D printable magnetic levitation switch with the Hall effect sensor in a Cherry MX compatible housing.
Keyswitch break-in machines
The number of break-in related posts in a single day reached my threshold of sensation.
Keyboard layout STL generator
This piece of code by anduril_tfotw generates 3D-printable STL files from a keyboard-layout-editor layout.
Keyboard Spotting
Ballpoint typewriters
Typewriters from the '80s that used small ball point pens to draw text and graphics.
Keltron keyboard
u/KingD421 found this vintage Keltron, part of a fire alarm system.
2001 vs 2010 - A Story in Keyboards
Wyvyrn reflects on keyboards in movies 2001: A Space Odyssey and its sequel, 2010: The Year We Make Contact.
Dygma "OLKB"
Dygma announced a new columnarly staggered split keyboard model.
MoErgo Glove80,, u/chad3814, Aiksplace, @keebio, @kaleid1990,, cdc, Timo, kiyejoco, Bob Cotton, FFKeebs, Rick Kremer, Davidjohn Gerena
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