Keyboard Builders' Digest
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Issue 68 / Week 10 / 2022

This is a hand-picked selection of last week's content from a keyboard enthusiast's perspective. Posts that may teach you something, make you think and contribute to the common knowledge of the DIY builder community.

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There are 14 entries in this issue:


Behind the Scenes of Issue 68

Refugee crisis, visit at the border, donation options, February stats, new acquisitions, one more extreme keyboard connector.


Drop Holy Panda X

u/ThereminGoat reviews Drop's Holy Panda X switch, manufactured by Gateron.



Krikun's fork of Joric's Jorne features space invader switches.

Chonky Palmtop

The Chonky Palmtop by Daniel Norris is a cyberdeck with an integrated Corne.


The Monolith, designed by u/sincerelyredcape, is built around an industrial grade encoder – and weights 15kg...


OK35 is a split ortholinear keyboard designed by u/Y2ff – with exposed through-hole diodes arranged nicely at the top.

Tips & Tricks

Folding tenting feet

A 3D printable folding tenting feet design posted by u/MohnJaddenPowers.

3D printable standoff

Will Winder shared his 3D printable standoff / spacer design.

Tiny2040 controller

Tiny 2040 is another RP2040-based development board, this time by Pimoroni.

Keyboard Spotting

Rockwell AIM-65

Rockwell AIM-65 with a built-in keyboard and a 20-character display, released in 1978.

Noritsu Z025892-01

Dedicated macropad of various Noritsu Digital Minilabs.

Velotype Pro

Not the usual monoblock split: the Velotype Pro is actually a chorded keyboard.



Suika's Cisne is a cool 40% monoblock with 5% tenting.

Inflated keycaps

You can air-type on these inflated keycaps by Running Guy Studio.

This issue was made possible by the donations of:, Benjamin Calderon, MoErgo Glove80, u/chad3814, Aiksplace, @kaleid1990, @keebio,, cdc, Timo, Bart Vergeer, kiyejoco, Bob Cotton, FFKeebs, Tim Parsons, Kristina Panos, Matthias Ko, Sean Grady, @therick0996, Wong Jing Ping, Nuno Leitano, Joel Simpson, Mika van Schaik, Spencer Blackwood, Davidjohn Gerena

Your support is crucial to help this project survive.

Discussion over at r/mk!